Free-Agent List

If you want to join an Adult Sports League Team register on our free-agent list (click here) and then review the information below!



A. There is a very active Facebook Group called Medford and Southern Oregon Softball that is utilized by many teams and leagues. You can connect with teams and players in the community using this page. 


A. There is a very active Facebook Group called Rogue Valley Pickup Volleyball that is utilized by many teams and leagues. You can connect with teams and players in the community using this page. 

Basketball and Soccer:

A. Get a copy of the current free agent list and try to put a team together by contacting those on the list that might be interested.

B. Go out to the fields or gyms during game times and talk to teams to see if they need extra players. It might be a little uncomfortable going up to random teams, but I have seen this work for some players before. They can view the league schedules on

C. For Basketball specifically, a lot of league players play at the Courthouse gym in Medford during open gyms.